The ACTRU system was developed on the initiative of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers, founded at the suggestion of TSU. It allows the teacher to conduct a lecture both online and offline.
The opening of the network of unique audiences took place during the visit of Ivan Fedotov, Director of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia. The result of the meeting "Advanced learning: modern tools for ensuring the quality of education for innovative regions of Russia", where TSU representatives presented their developments to improve the quality of education at the university, was the opening of a network of AKTRU classrooms. At the moment, the TSU network includes 45 classrooms, 2.5 thousand students can study offline and more than 4.5 thousand online at the same time.
- Thanks to the ACTRU system, students outside the university see everything that happens in the classroom and appears on the blackboard. All classes are automatically recorded and videos are uploaded to the cloud storage. At the same time, the overall recording resolution is no worse than 1080p. The flexibility of the system lies in the ability to use a significant part of the equipment available at universities– - Artem Feshchenko, head of the educational and scientific laboratory of computer learning tools at IDO TSU, told about the features of the audience.
At the request of the user, the system can select all video and text materials on the designated topic, moreover, it will start the video from the "signal" word, which reduces the time to work with the file and makes it possible to study more information sources.
In January 2022, 20 universities of the Consortium of Big Data Researchers expressed their intention to introduce this system into the infrastructure of their universities. Ivan Fedotov, who was present at the opening, noted how much such audiences are needed today.
- The emergence of such audiences is a response to one of the global challenges facing education, namely, not to lose the quality of the assimilated material with remote learning. This is all done so that students can receive information regardless of any epidemiological or other restrictions. Therefore, we will provide all possible assistance to those universities that want to implement the ACTRU system proposed by TSU," Ivan Fedotov said.
The creation of AKTRU classrooms is only one of the stages of creating the infrastructure for the organization of the educational process at TSU.
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